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4 SINCLAIR NEWS 4 ISSUE #3 SEP 93 3 EDITOR: DARREN RANDLE 3 93 NEON PUBLISHING 3 BY D MORRIS. MUSIC B 3 CODE,MASTERING AND PACKI 2 NEWS3.2 2 !E!E!E!E!E` 2 GAME REVIEWS. 2 DR WHO. Price `7.99. Alternative 1 h{-+-t+r-t+ 1 W Kind Words 1 SONG BY ST COMPILEG 1 SINCLAIR NEWS ISSUE #3 SEP 93 1 A its funny bitsand it did have a story, but I'msorry, this film failed to hitthe mark with me. The funniestbit was where Steve said "Don'tforget to secure your condom!".Ideal family viewing. AlthoughMum's would probably enjoy this film more. 1 <|>>l<||8<> 1 <f0<`<|0<> 1 ; 'The price of Sinclair News' isvery good and I LOVE the loadingscreen. Part one was excellent!The font was readable, goodmusic and well presented.' 1 9 Each program: 25p. 1 8||<l<>|<> 1 8 Surgery Software: 1 7 PD software will be madeavailable to readers by means ofa monthly list of software,published in Sinclair News. 1 2 Prices will remain at 50p, butyou MUST enclose a tape/disc anda stamp. 1 1 SPECIAL OFFER PACK: 1 / A new commercial software label.From next month, you will beable to buy new Speccy games.Although our first releases arequite basic, they are VERYplayable. Prices range from aslittle as `1.00 to `2.00. Moredetails next month. 1 * Next month I'll be looking atsome cult horror films.Including: Rocky Horror & TheRe-Animator 1+2. See you then. 1 ) Note: C60/C90 tapes are requiredfor 4 or more programs. 1 ( Sinclair News is to become themonthly newsletter of Rasputin.Each issue will be bigger andpacked with more news andfeatures. 1 ( No, not a new machine, justsomething we have noticed. LikeI said a minute ago, Speccysoftware standards have rissen.For example, take Qjeta's musicand some of the effects seen indemos such as NMI3 and OVERSCAN.These demos have been betterthan some of the stuff I haveseen on the Amiga and PC. TheSpectrum may not have the powerof 16 bit machines, but we stillhave the ability to produce goodprograms. Shadow of the Beastwas a hit on the Amiga and whenconverted to the humble Speccy,the only real difference was thelack of colour. Graphically thegame was basically the same andthe music was just as good. IfGremlin can produce such qualitygames on 'A useless 8 bit' whydo people mock the Spectrum??? The main problem with 8 bitmachines is the lack ofinterest. Many 16 bit ownerswill be the first to admit thatthey have owned a Spectrum andenjoy playing on it. So why mustpeople continue to put down ourmachine. We want you to write inwith your opinions on 1 ( 16 Bit Spectrum: 1 & Sadly, no space this issue. Nextmonth I PROMISE there will be atechy feature. I have it allready, so don't worry! 1 & My thanks go out to Andy forthese comments. There is a fullreview of Sinclair News in thismonth's issue of AlchNews. Fordetails, see the advert section. 1 & 6 PD programs featuring demos,games and utilitys. Only 50p. 1 & 0001 POD PERSONS FROM MARS. * 0002 WILDCAT. * 1 %U%U%U%U%U` 1 %U%U%U%U%U@ 1 % Sinclair News: 1 # Key- *:DEMO. +:GAME. 1 " More reviews next issue. 1 ! To order software, send tape or+3 disc along with a stampedS.A.E and your payment. Chequesand Postal Orders to: 1 ! Here at Sinclair News, we aim tobring you a quality monthlyread. Each issue will cover allaspects of your machine. We alsooffer special features, such asThe Rave Corner, Film ReviewsEtc. If you have any ideas forfuture issues, please contactme. We also try to includeamusing articles as well asserious ones. Unlike otherpublications, we will NOTpublish anything that people mayfind offensive. As far as I'mconcerned, young children mayhave access to 'SN' and we wouldnot like them to read anythingthat their parents 1 maydisapprove of. 1 Therefore,Sinclair News is carefullyproduced for people of all agesto enjoy. Darren Randle. Editor. 1 The Technical Pages: 1 Secure cash to your order. 1 Rating: 6/10. Cert PG. 1 It's a pity that software housesand Spectrum owners are givingup their machines, over the pastfew months some real goodsoftware has been released.... 1 GOOD BYE RASPUTIN PD... 1 BY D MORRIS. MUSIC BY ZUITEK 1 Any 8 programs: `1.50. 1 All 12 programs: `2.00. 1 = PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE SALES: 1 = Editors comment: Mag Content. 1 0012 GRAFIX BANK 2. * 1 0011 EL-LOCO. * 1 0010 DART LORD. + 1 0009 AMD 2. * 1 0008 AMD 1. * 1 0007 PANCAKE. * 1 0006 BLASTEROIDS. + 1 0005 THE BIG BANG. * 1 0004 UP THE WALL. + 1 0003 AY-3 DEMO. * 1 'DARREN RANDLE' 1 No, No, No! What are Y.S onabout? I think 56% was far toolow. Upon loading, I was greetedby an attempt at an intro. Iadmit, both the music andgraphics are pretty poor here.When the game had finally loadedin (Yes folks, Multiload time!),I thought, Hey, this isn't tobad... For those of you whohavn't played Dr Who yet, youmay be interested to know thatthe overall speed of the game isamazing! The graphics are welldrawn and are packed full ofdetail. Sound is limited to theusual zaps and beeps, but fitsin rather well. Dr Who is a biteasy for the hardened gameplayer, but most people willstill find it enjoyable. If youprefer to try before you buy,why not hire it from theSoftware Hire? (See ads). So tosum up, if you want speed, goodgraphics and playability, get DrWho. Overall: 70% 1 No, No, No! What are Y.S onabout? I think 56% was far toolow. Upon loading, I was greetedby an attempt at an intro. Iadmit, both the music andgraphics are pretty poor here.When the game had finally loadedin (Yes folks, Multiload time!),I thought, Hey, this isn't tobad... For those of you whohavn't played Dr Who yet, youmay be interested to know thatthe overall speed of the game isamazing! The graphics are welldrawn and are packed full ofdetail. Sound is limited to theusual zaps and beeps, but fits<ff<ff< 1 More good reviews of SinclairNews this month. Andy Davis ofAlchNews was very impressed withboth the content and price of'SN'. 1 I said a while ago that therewould be a new PD catalogue outsoon. Sadly, this is no longerthe case. I have decided tochange the Rasputin service andmake it more of a user group.This is whats happening. 1 CODE,MASTERING AND PACKING 1 (C) 1993 NEON PUBLISHING 1 EDITOR: DARREN RANDLE